这是我现在在读的一个online school。 非常的棒! 如果有想学3D animation的话这个一定是首选哦。
里面的老师都就职于大型公司,例如Pixar, Sony Image, Dreamwork, Disney, Veta,Tippet Studios, etc。 
里面的学生也是来自世界各地,因为一切都是online mentoring, 所以非常方便。
基本要宣传的地方都宣传了, 那这里也来放一下好了。(请按“继续阅读“进入)
如果真有有3D animation兴趣的人而加入的话,也请顺便在referral student那里填一下我的名字咯. (Carol Jing) 

Tuition will increase for New Students starting January 2008. If you know any friends or family interested in joining the program, please encourage them to sign up for Winter Term 2008 by November 2nd to lock in the current tuition rate. All they have to do is apply and pay a $500 deposit by November 2nd to secure the current rate for the entire 18-month program. This promotion is only applicable for Winter Term 2008 which starts January 7, 2008. Please spread the word for us!! Thank you! Crew

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